
Dr. Ilhan Serdaroglu hair transplant center

clinic location Istanbul, Turkey
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1 Doctor(s)




Dr. İlhan Serdaroğlu's clinic has been specializing in hair, eyebrow, beard or body hair transplant operations since 2010. Thanks to the long history and expertise of its founder, this destination has become among the best in Turkey in terms of medical tourism.

 Travelers from all over the world choose this destination to enjoy hair treatments with the latest technology in the field. Indeed, after working for several years in various plastic and reconstructive surgery hospitals in Antalya and then in Istanbul, Dr. İlhan has built an outstanding reputation. He helps his patients to regain their desired appearance and achieve their expectations efficiently.

He is still a member of the "International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery" (ISHRS). Also, he continuously shares his knowledge with practitioners from all over the world by participating in major international congresses held in Rio de Janeiro in 2014, Kyoto in 2016 and Miami in 2018.

He started performing transplant operations since 2003 and has treated thousands of cases with the FUE method until today. For this, he is now one of the top 5 cosmetic surgeons worldwide for the last 5 years. He always defends "the right to health for all" and fights against the psychological and physical trauma caused by hair loss. For this reason, he attaches particular importance to the treatment of these problems with the most advanced techniques, whether for men or women.

As a result, one of the strong points of Dr. İlhan Serdaroğlu's clinic is the understanding of the patient's needs and the communication with him. From the moment of his arrival, he is welcomed in a warm and friendly environment. He benefits from the optimal organization of the transplant process thanks to a talented and expert medical team. In addition, the clinic treats all types of falls with non-surgical methods such as PRP injection. All these services are guaranteed for life with the assurance of very competitive prices compared to other countries in the world.

We recommend that you schedule an appointment online or request a detailed estimate of the care you wish to receive.


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1 Doctors Available

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Ilhan Serdaroglu

Specialist in plastic, reconstructive and hair surgery, including hair transplant, since 2003. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Akdeniz, Turkey. Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS).

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